Havelock Road, Hastings

Havelock Road, Hastings

On Tuesday 8th October 1940 a lone bomber dropped four high explosive bombs and two oil incendiaries on Havelock Road, Pelham Arcade and York Buildings in Hastings. In Havelock Road, several properties were wrecked including the headquarters of the Women’s Voluntary Services. Two people were killed; Arthur Wenman, aged 67 and Mary Monk, aged 20.

25 Magdalen Road, St Leonards

25 Magdalen Road, St Leonards

On Wednesday 25th September 1940 St Leonards was subjected to two attacks at 1:15pm and 2:20pm. Eighteen high explosive bombs and 1 oil incendiaries were dropped. Properties in King’s Road, Western Road, Royal Terrace, Magdalen Road were severely damaged. Shornden Reservoir in Alexandra Park was also hit. Victoria Hicks was killed in the raid whilst … Read more