Timms, Joan Lillian

Hastings Cemetery

Name: Joan Lillian Timms

Died on: Tuesday, 8th October 1940

Died at: Near Breeds Place, Hastings

Additional Information: Joan Timms, aged 19, was killed when a lone bomber dropped HE bombs and oil incendiaries on the Women’s Voluntary Services HQ, Havelock Road, Pelham Arcade and York Buildings. Three people were killed in the raid with a further eleven injured, one  seriously.

Joan was the daughter of C E Timms and lived at 6 Jameson Road, Bexhill

I was unable to locate Joan’s grave marker in the main area of WW2 war graves, so she is likely buried else where on site. I will look to find it when I revisit Hastings Cemetery.

If you can provide more information about this person, please comment below or contact me here.

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