Felton, Caroline Frances

Hastings Cemetery

Name: Caroline Frances Felton

Died on: Wednesday, 14th August 1940

Died at: 42 Bexleigh Avenue, St Leonards

Additional Information: Caroline Felton died when a lone bomber dropped 6 high explosive bombs on Bexleigh Avenue, Pine Avenue and West St Leonards. One other person was killed, and another two injured, one seriously.

The information provided by CWGC states that Caroline, who was the widow of Alfred James Fenton, died aged 77 later that day at the Buchanan Hospital.

I missed Caroline’s grave marker when I visited Hastings Cemetery, so will provide a photograph of it after I go there again. She does not seem to be named on Hastings War Memorial.

If you can provide more information about this person, please comment below or contact me here.

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